In this part, we will talk about factory TY motorcycles, but also others engineering works (look at "Competition TY" links on the left) that tried to develop Trial Yamaha TY capacity.
Christian RAYER on the first Yamaha TY pre-production, he has developed with the Yamaha factory:

Proto rayer
The great "Mick Andrews" will develop the bike with his new Yamaha contract which began on 1 March 1973.

TY Montbéliard 1973
Historical win of the Japanese first one in a European competition on the April 1st, 1973 and that's TY 250 (above) .
Vidéo TY 250 1973
Clip of Andrews Yamaha to I.S.D.T. in 1973.
This is the actual machine that Haruo Kimura won the first all japan trial championships with in november 1973.
TY 250 OW10 1
TY 250 OW10 2
TY cantilever Andrews 1974
YZT cantilever Andrews 1974
In 1974, The Yamaha TY 250 OW10 with cantilever, Mono-shock system developped by YAMAHA.
Vidéo TY 250 OW10
TY usine 400
Come back to the twin-shocks with the 400, cantilever developping is not so easy.
TY usine 1976
Always classicals twin shocks with the factory TY in 1976, look at some details below.
TY usine 1976 détails
TY usine 1976 3
TY usine 1976 4
TY usine 1976 5
TY usine 1976 2
The same with oval shape rear arm.
TY usine cantilever
Cantilever comes back, this time with square shape rear arm and built by the Belgian Tilkens, the same who sold the cantilever patent to Yamaha.
TY usine 1978
Mick ANDREWS and the probably last model in 1978 at the time he finished with Yamaha.
TY usine 1978 2
It turns yellow colors which foreshadows future YAMAHA Majesty, and makes believe that YAMAHA forgets the single shock to stun the competition with TY mono in 1983.

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